Reduced Carbon Footprint
This company has measured its product's total greenhouse gas emissions and has achieved a reduction in emissions through mitigation practices. Greenhouse gas emissions (including carbon emissions) caused by human activities are the most significant driver of climate change.
Sustainable Development Goals
Proof Point Level
Product BusinessProduct Description
This company has measured the total greenhouse gas emissions caused by this product and its supply chain, typically through a lifecycle assessment (LCA), and has taken active steps to reduce it. Greenhouse gas emissions (including carbon emissions) caused by human activities are the most significant driver of climate change.
Business Description
This company has measured its total greenhouse gas emissions and has taken active steps to reduce it. Greenhouse gas emissions (including carbon emissions) caused by human activities are the most significant driver of climate change.
Product Criteria
- The business should have performed an LCA or similar
- The measurement should include all three scopes (only scope 3 downstream emissions may be excluded)
- Reports should show year on year reduction in emissions
- Offsets cannot be counted as reductions
Business Criteria
- The measurement should include all emissions from scopes 1 and 2 and at a minimum, as well as all significant sources of emissions in scope 3, such as business travel, outsourced digital hosting, freight and purchased goods
- If the business has SBTi-approved targets, measurements should show a reduction compared to the baseline year. Otherwise, measurements should show a year on year reduction
- Offsets cannot be counted as a reduction
Publication Requirements
- Indicate what is included in the calculation – if any scope has been excluded from measurement, the business should specify which scope and why
- Date of measurement and time period covered
- If reductions are in line with a Science-Based Target this can be specified here
- Specify if the reduction is in absolute or intensity terms
Accepted Evidence
Evidence should strongly support the claim and will be made publicly available
- Calculation details (stating methodology used and whether they are using market or location-based reporting)
- Report from an accredited organisation
Accepted Verifiers
Verifiers are third parties who can confirm the validity of a given Proof Point
- Carbon measurement platform – e.g. CDP or SBTi
- Carbon or sustainability consultancy