Alliance for Water Stewardship
The Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) is a global membership collaboration comprising businesses, NGOs and the public sector. The AWS standards seeks to help businesses to better understand and manage their water consumption within a catchment context. Certification demonstrates that a site has successfully completed each of the steps in the AWS Standard.
Visit websiteStandard Summary
- Achieve the minimum number of points for each level: AWS Core: 0 – 39 points, AWS Gold: 40 – 79 points, AWS Platinum: 80 or more points
Points are scored in each of the five steps of the AWS Framework:
Understand water dependencies and impacts
Mitigate operational and supply chain water risks
Ensure responsible water procedures are in place
Build relationships with local water-related stakeholders
Address challenges shared with others in the catchment
Audits take place annually in person
Certification is valid for three year